I have spent quite a few years in this study (not this specific class but with CBS in general) and in the past I always avoided giving my devotion. I would "forget" to sign up or sign up for a day I knew a conflict would arise. I was terrified to share a teeny tiny 3-5 minute devotion when I had no problem getting in front of a group of kids and speaking. I didn't want the grown ups to judge me.
Since this year has been about forcing myself out of my comfort zone. I did it. And it was great. Or my group of 30 some women loved it and told me it was great (yay God for giving me the right words to speak...because I literally threw it together the morning I read it.) And then a month later I was approached about sharing this in an opening on a Thursday morning potentially in front of hundreds of women. Ummm....excuse me?
Luckily, leading up to today, we were traveling and crazy busy. I had no time to get nervous. I was even okay this morning, until I was walking up the steps to the podium (taking deep cleansing breaths on the way.) But, I did it. Slightly awkwardly towards the end as my voice got a little shaky, I lost my place and kind of just ended. What are you going to do? It is what it is. So here is what I shared this morning.
Colossians 1: 9-12
And so, from the day we
heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be
filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and
understanding, 10 so as to walk in a manner
worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good
work and increasing in the knowledge of God. 11 May
you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might,
for all endurance and patience with joy, 12 giving
thanks[a] to the Father, who has
qualified you[b] to share in the inheritance of the saints in
For endurance and patience with
And God loves to test my patience.
I shared with the teens over the
course of studying Esther that I am not a patient person. I actually had to
take a personality assessment when I worked for American Eagle (on the retail
side) and scored lowest in patience….which for them was great. I had a high
sense of urgency. I would get things done now because waiting around for stuff
made me (and still makes me) a little bit (okay a whole lot of) crazy.

But God wants me to be patient.
And not just patient….patient with joy.
And the irony here is that I
married a man whose job is pretty dependent on the weather and what is
available. John works for a company that paints bridges. And bridges don’t
move. You have to go to them. And we never know where the next job will be…or
what state will vote to have it’s funds distributed so that bridge repair and
maintenance gets a cut of it. (hint Pennsylvania doesn’t do this often…..) And
then we talk about what is available. (and I don’t get to make a plan yet…at
least out loud.) And then there are pre-bid meetings. (and no…I don’t get to
make a plan yet.) And then there is the bidding process (no plan) and then
there is the matter of awarding the job to someone. And even if we don’t get
the job, I don’t get to make a plan yet. Because contractors default all the
time. Or challenge the bidding process. So a lot of times it gets awarded to
the second or third bidder…..it’s a waiting game.
And then….even when we get the job
and seems like we are ready to figure out a plan for my life and how we are
going to juggle this (moving, staying – some sort of schedule for the year)
They go into contract negotiations with the state and the start date gets
pushed back.
I usually don’t get to make a plan
until a week or two before (and that’s if I am lucky….) because his job often
depends on the weather as well.
And even once we have the job, I never really
know when he is coming home for the “winter off season” and when he is leaving
again because of the weather. He came home exceptionally late this year and
just left again (typically he doesn’t leave until mid-March) because unlike
here, the weather there is unseasonably warm.
And we are entering the season of
bidding new jobs and trying to figure out what may happen in the next year or
God still wants me to be patient
and patient with joy.
So even though I do not know what
the next few months will bring….in reality none of us do. Things happen all the
time that can uproot us…jobs are lost, family members are lost, we have to
move, or start over in something….change happens. It is an inevitable part of
growth and life.
I just have the a little sneak
peek over the next hill…the knowledge that it’s definitely coming for us sooner
than it does for many others and anticipation that comes with it. And with that
anticipation I have to remember to be patient with joy. Enjoy the moments we
have in the place that we are. Live in that moment because I don’t know where
we will be going next.
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