I get this question all the time. And the answer isn't easy. There are so many coaches from so many different backgrounds with different goals and aspirations that range from getting a discount to wanting to help transform as many lives as possible to those who really want to run a business from home. My typical response is that well it really depends....and I am sure it is not the answer those who ask the question are looking for.

The best I can do is talk about why I decided to become a Beachbody coach and over the past ten
months that why has evolved. I started out with using coaching as motivation to push myself. I couldn't very well spend my time trying to motivate others while I was skipping workouts and not eating healthy. I also wanted the discount. I knew I wasn't giving up Shakeology any time soon and saving money on that every month was a no brainer. I also really wanted to pay it forward. I knew the programs worked. I knew eating clean worked and I also had realized how important the challenge groups and having a coach for motivation was....if I could help someone the way Katy had helped me that would be awesome. (You can read the entire story here if you're interested.)
I now have the habits instilled in me to get up everyday and workout. To eat right. I don't need to have the motivation of my challengers to push play and make it happen. My focus has shifted. I know that looking at coaching as a way to fight the epidemic of obesity. My story is just a drop in the bucket, ow in the world is that going to make an impact? But it can mean the world to one person. It meant the world to me. I am no longer avoiding taking pictures with my daughter. My asthma is controlled without medication (except in emergencies.) My stomach and digestive issues are gone and I no longer take medication for that either. If I can help just one person get their life back....to be able to play with their kids, shop in any store they want, to not have to plan dinners and outings around only the places they feel comfortable....to give one person that freedom can make a huge difference.
A Beachbody coach is someone who wants to motivate others, someone who is passionate about living a healthy lifestyle, someone who is willing to help others achieve their goals. A Beachbody coach is someone who struggles and is working through their own challenges and is willing to share those bumps in the road with others. A Beachbody coach is someone who loves getting a discount on their workouts and supplements. A Beachbody coach is someone who is dedicated to this business and willing to devote full time hours to achieve their goals. A Beachbody coach is someone who has a full time job and is crazy busy in all aspects of their life. A Beachbody coach is a parent, a grandparent, single, married, in their 20's or in their 60's....a Beachbody coach comes from all walks of life. But we all have a few things in common. The desire to help others meet their goals and understanding the importance of living a healthy lifestyle.
A Beachbody coach isn't someone who is looking to get rich quick or looking for a magic pill. This is all about hard work and dedication. You will get out what you put in. All my coaches can tell you I live by the motto “Be here in a year” and that means if you give this business 100% for a year, you will be amazed by what you can do -- for yourself and for others.
Why we are different:
Being a part of both the Bombshell Dynasty and the Dream Team is really and truly like being part of a family. We support each other. We are there to help with struggles, answer questions and motivate each other when the going gets rough....because believe me it does. You will wonder why you are wasting your time. If you are ever going to make a difference. If anyone is even hearing you. Through the support and guidance of coaches like Katy and Melanie, you get through the rough patches and come out better, stronger and smarter. Re-motivated and revitalized to get back at it another day. We use groups on facebook, weekly team calls, retreat weekends, webinars and other ways to connect with each other, get to know one another and really provide the structure needed to form friendships. It is amazing what happens when you get a group of motivated people together who are working for the same goals. It's where the magic happens.
The good news is there is really nothing to lose. You don't have a quota. You don't have someone breathing down your neck to make a sale. The focus is truly on helping others the way you want to do it. The benefits include:
- A 25% discount on all Beachbody products
- There is no inventory to carry - that is all taken care of by Beachbody
- Earning a 25% commision on everything purchased through your personal links
- The opportunity to build a team of coaches. Everything rolls up and there are a ton of bonuses to earn. I have not received any pressure to push people to be coaches. In fact, many people choose to be coaches just for the discount and decide down the road to make it a business.
The costs:
- There is a one time $40 signup fee (which is waived with the purchase of a challenge pack, a workout and shakeology bundle, or if you or your spouse are active military.)
- There is a monthly $15.95 fee that covers the costs of maintaining your three websites the company gives you plus all the marketing materials that are provided. (But the 25% discount on your Shakeology still saves you around $17 a month even with this fee.)
- To remain an active coach you need to have a Personal Volume (PV) of 50 points per month. Purchasing a month's supply of Shakeology (at a 25% discount) is 90PV for example and you're done. I agree with Team Beachbody's methodology that you need to use their product in order to be able to explain the benefits of the research they've done. However, you don't have to maintain this in order to stay a coach.
If you are interested in coaching please fill out the application below. I would be happy to answer any questions you have!
Fill out my online form.
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