
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Why this P90x dropout is going to give Tony Horton another chance....

Confession time -- I am a P90x dropout.

I started it. Suffered through Ab Ripper X. Almost always skipped Yoga X. (I mean 90 minutes of yoga. Seriously? For someone who hates yoga this is just torture.)

I got through about a month of P90x and then had some gall bladder attacks which lead to surgery and then it was the holidays and I honestly couldn't pick it up again. My kiddo was quickly out growing her naps and I was lucky if they were 45 minutes long. Nap time was no longer enough time to get through a P90x workout so it wasn't happening.

And if I am being totally honest, Tony Horton kind of drives me crazy. I don't think he is that funny, especially when I am struggling through an entire hour of every type of push up imaginable. Let's just get this done with minimal cheesy one liners.

So why I have I committed to spending the first 3 months of the new year with Tony Horton?

Because despite the irritations I have with his bad jokes, the man puts together a good workout. P90x is a killer workout but I am not going back to P90x...I am giving P90x3 a try. Why? Because it's 30 minutes. Less time wasted with chatting. I did always say that if we eliminated all the chatting and "wasted" time in P90x it could be a 30 minute glad they heard me!

One of P90x's successes was using muscle confusion to get results. This introduced variety to the workouts and prevented plateauing. P90X3 takes a hint from that success and from studies showing the most dramatic body transformations happen within the first 30 minutes of exercise. Enter muscle acceleration, a Tony Horton-approved highly-structured schedule with an incredibly high level of intensity and an unprecedented variety of moves. The gurus behind P90X3 combined exercises and added some twists to maximize your time and keep every muscle challenged for a full 30 minutes.

The base kit includes 16 workouts (and not one of them is 90 minutes of yoga! Yay!) These workouts include:

  • MMX – Think Mixed Martial Arts
  • Warrior Workouts (I was able to preview this at our retreat. My abs were sore for 2 days!)
  • CVX- Cardio Vascular Extreme
  • Ab Ripper X3
  • Pilates
  • Yoga (30 minutes I can handle.)
  • Agility X
  • Try-ometrics (think plyometrics!)
  • Isometrics- alternating lower body and upper body movements.

I am also super excited about starting a P90x3 exclusive test group! (Because I am so not trying to do this alone this time.) I will walk you through every single step of the program using the nutrition guide, the workouts and the 24/7 support of me as your coach in a private closed group.  I will teach you how to meal plan, prep, and set yourself up for success.  This group will begin on January 6, 2014 and will run for 90 days.  Just in time for your new years resolution.  Start the new year in the very best shape of your life. (And who doesn't want results like these....even a fraction of these results would qualify as awesome in my book!) If you want to join my test group please fill out the application here

How to Order P90x3

P90X3 is now available for order! If you would like to get your hands on a copy before they sell out, here are some options. One quick note: The best deal in December is the P90X3 Challenge Pack. It is discounted by $90 and includes a ton of free gifts and FREE shipping and handling.
P90X3 Challenge Pack – (On Sale for $180 December 2013 Only)
16 Workouts Above Plus: Bonus Accelerate Your P90X3 Results DVD, Bonus One on One Leg DVD, P90X3 Hat, and 30 Day Supply of Shakeology, Team Beachbody VIP Membership
Order Here
Includes Free Shipping and Handling 
P90X3 Base Kit – $119.85
All the 16 P90X3 Workouts Included in the above post.
Order Here 
P90X3 Ultimate- $329.55
Base Kit & Deluxe Kit Plus: P90X3 Chin-Up Bar, P90X3 Chin-Up Max, 30 Day Supply of Results & Recovery, Premium Beachbody Jump Mat
Order Here 
P90X3 Deluxe – $239.70
Base Kit Workouts, Plus: 3 Elite Extreme Workouts, Elite Block Calendar, 30 Day Supply of E&E, 3 B-Line Resistance Bands
Order Here

If you have any questions always feel free to shoot me a message or email me at 

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