
Thursday, June 13, 2013

No Looking Back - The Clean Eating Challenge

So Clean Eating. I've been talking about it a lot. I've been doing it (with some ups and downs) for almost 3 months and have had some amazing results. I have found that I have more energy. That the "rules" are easy to follow. I don't feel deprived. I love having a plan. And on those days I falter or feel like taking an entire bag of Ghiradelli chocolates to the face, I have my challenge group to fall back on. (Or report to depending on the day and the role I assigned them for that day.) Some days they are my police and some days they are my cheerleaders. And yes, most of them are strangers.



Who is this person that has invaded my body and is talking about people online like they are real and able to do something as crazy as keep me in check and motivate me to be better? Who would've thought? It actually works. (To read more about my personal challenge group experience click here.)

So what exactly is a challenge group?

For this challenge, I am running a 30 day Clean Eating Challenge group. So you commit to me for 30 days. For these 30 days we are going to drink Shakeology every day and we are going to eat clean.

I am going to give you recipes. I am going to check in with you every day to see how you are doing, what you need and give you the support you need to meet your goals. Whether your goals are to start clean eating or to take your clean eating to the next level, we are going to cover that. Together. I am going to be right there beside you rocking some clean eating meals and snacks.

And it isn't going to be just me. There are going to be people you probably don't know in this group and they are going to be working toward the same goals you are. You can ask each other questions and benefit from what others have learned. All of this right there in a convenient, closed Facebook group. (So no one can see what you are posting in there each day, I swear.)

We are going to drink Shakeology - which is one thing I never really knew I needed until I had it in my life - as a meal replacement every day. (I like mine for lunch.) It will help keep you full, keep your cravings in check and make you feel awesome in all sorts of different ways.  And believe me when I say I didn't believe any of this stuff until I tried it. There are all sorts of buzzwords around Shakeology like super foods and the healthiest meal of the day. The marketing alone was enough to make me a skeptic. But I gave it a shot and this stuff seriously rocks. (Read about my experience with Shakeology here.)

We are going to check every day and post two things. If you had your shake and how your clean eating is going by rating it from 1-5 for the day. There will be ups and downs. There will be super awesome days and some cheat days. There will always be support, encouragement and tips on how to do it better tomorrow.

What is going to happen as a result of all this clean eating? More energy, more sparkle and feeling great on the inside and out. That whole foggy, tired I need a nap in the afternoon feeling will be lifted. (To read more about clean eating and the rules we will follow click here.)

So we are going to talk clean eating, share recipes and keep each other on track. We can do this. Together. Nothing is impossible especially when we are in it together. I will not let you fail.

My next challenge group is starting on July 15th and I can't wait! Message me for more details!

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