I know there are lots of articles and things out there that show you how to "fake" a transformation picture when it comes to weight loss. And that just makes me so sad (and angry and annoyed but the rollercoaster of emotions is the name of the game at 33 weeks pregnant.) We should be celebrating people's hard work and dedication to make their live's better not trying to fake something to get social media attention or sales. It is just terrible to take advantage of people especially preying on their weakness and insecurity. It is THOSE posts that really inspired me to make this as REAL as possible. Not using pics with professional lighting and celebrating the people I have walked this journey side by side, talking about their reasons, their struggles and how to keep going. (Because there are struggles everyday. Cake may be one of them.)
Now I firmly believe that transformations are WAY more than just the picture of what happens in someone's physical appearance. There is a shift in our attitude, the way we think and the way we feel. Some people are naturally small (and I may hate them a little bit...kidding!) but not healthy. Some people have a lot of weight to lose but are generally healthier than others. We ALL have our different struggles and this isn't a place to judge but to encourage and inspire.
So this is Molly's story:
"Since college I have always been about 150 no matter what changes I made to my diet. In my eyes I wasn't 'fat' but I was uncomfortable and lacked confidence. I found out I was pregnant with my first son in May of 2012 and my starting weight was 150, by the time he was 6 months old I was down to 140 without diet or exercise- just by not eating cookies and milk (my weakness) and I'm sure nursing also helped. I was happier with my body but I was tired all the time!!
When he was 9 months old we found out I was pregnant with our second son! By the end of my pregnancy I was almost 195 and had a tough time walking or doing any sort of activity. I knew I was pregnant but my weight gain was excessive and all I wanted to do was eat. Once he entered the world I knew I needed to do something to lose the weight.
I heard about Shakeology and saw amazing transformations of people who I am friends with on Facebook. So I decide to take part in a 7 day shakeology and clean eating group to see what it was all about. Clean eating was something I had never heard of before and really this whole realm of nutrition and fitness was foreign to me. I decided to get the 21 day fix and sign up as a coach. I was still a little skeptical but it didn't take long for me to become a firm believer it the whole system through Beachbody. Once I discover a recipe that I loved with my Shakeology I was unstoppable! I love the workouts and how not only my body but my mind was changing.
I have always had back pain ever since I was in my teens, and have been seeing chiropractor for a very long time but working out changed all of that and I was virtually pain free and only need to see a chiropractor once a month as apposed to 3-4 times! My craving dropped significantly and I notice that my mind was clearer and I felt happier and less tired and frazzled all the time! I'm 21 short days I lost 14 lbs and 13 1/4 inches of my body! Since I joined Beachbody on September 27, 2014, I have lost 32 pounds and I am happy to say I am back down to 150! I still have a way to go until I reach my goal weight and the body I want but with the different workout programs shakeology and the challenge groups I know I will get there very soon."
You can follow Molly and her story on Facebook
I you have any questions or want to learn more about the 21 Day Fix or 21 Day Fix Extreme please feel free to comment below or contact me on Facebook.