
Friday, August 9, 2013

That Cookie Craving that Just Wouldn't Go Away (and what I did about it.)

So I really really really wanted a cookie. A chewy, cinnamon-y oatmeal raisin cookie circa the way my grandma would have made it.

And this is weird for me because I am typically a death by chocolate type of girl.

Since I moved back into my house, I refused to replenish anything that wasn't clean to put into my cupboards so when I have this problem there is very little I can do about it. But what I did have left was some individual serving packets of vanilla Shakeology. I found this recipe on my friend Melanie's blog and let me tell you it was pretty amazing.

1 scoop of vanilla Shakeology
1/2 cup of coconut milk or almond milk
3/4 cup of cold water
1/2 a teaspoon of cinnamon (plus a little more to taste if you are cinnamon obsessed like I am)
1/2 a graham cracker
ice to taste

Blend this all up and I promise it is pretty much amazing. Dessert in a cup (and I don't say that too often - especially about meal replacement shakes.) I have a major sweet tooth so it has to be pretty good to qualify as dessert worthy in my book!

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