
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Insanity: Starting Month 2

So I started month 2 of Insanity. It wasn't easy getting here and it took me more like 7 weeks to get through month 1 instead of 4. Squished into those 7 weeks was a cross country (temporary) move to a tiny apartment so we could hang with my husband why he works (all the time.) An injured knee. A funeral. A wedding. B's second birthday and potty training. Just thinking back makes me exhausted (and itching for a cocktail.)

But I ended up repeating week 4 not once but twice. Because I was scared wanted to make sure I was ready for month 2. Between the jet lag and my achy knee I was more than willing to skip my workouts. (And I had some halibut fish and chips calling my name. Seriously, they are kind of the most awesome fish and chips ever. Pretty much one of the three things I look forward to out here.) Plus I had the excuse of not having a basement to escape to for my workouts. I was trying to do them with a two year old crawling all over me (or peeing on the floor, or chasing the dogs with a shoe...)

After a completely lazy week of not working out and eating terribly I decided to get back on the wagon. I pushed through my jet lag and the exhaustion of trying to get a toddler on a different time zone and repeated week 4 for the second time. And I wanted to die. I wanted to quit or punch Shawn T in the face or take out the dvd and throw it out the window every day for a week. Then it all started to come back (and I was sick of doing the month 1 workouts.)

Cue month 2. And it's not as scary as I thought. Once I suffered got through the warm up (which uses exercises from month 1. Like exercises from the main part of the dvd. I may or may not have cursed him out at that point.) I found there were a lot more strength exercises and a little less death by cardio. I may not feel like I worked out until I sweat from some cardio but I love me some strength exercises. (And some straight arm jacks. They might be my favorite thing about month 2.) But it is Saturday and I made it through the first week of month 2 (and I may or may not like it better than month 1.) Here's to keeping it to 4 weeks.

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